Week of March 30th, 2025
Week ending on 3/23/25
Month of March
2025 Year to Date
Total 2025 Yearly Goal is $262,000
lent devotional
We are currently in the Lenten season, a period of 40 days in which Christians all across the world spend time preparing for Easter through prayer and fasting.
We are encouraging everyone to consider one creature comfort to fast from, and one new spiritual practice to help learn to depend on God. Below you will find a devotional we have created that centers you on the desert experience each day.
palm sunday
This year we begin Holy Week by gathering at the University Club of Winter Park (841 N Park Ave, Winter Park, FL) instead of the science center. Palm Sunday begins the telling of the final week of Jesus life before his resurrection with shouts of “Hosanna - save us!”
Make sure to mark your calendar now so you don’t miss this special gathering.
seder meal
Maundy Thursday is the time for us to commemorate Jesus’ last supper with his disciples in the Upper Room. The Passover meal, or Seder, is rich with symbolism that shows how Jesus himself is the fulfillment to the promises God made to Israel, and by extension, to us.
Join us Thursday, April 17th, at 6:45pm at Ryan’s house for a traditional Seder ceremonial meal, followed by a potluck. Sign up below to reserve your spot:
Good friday
In lieu of hosting our own Good Friday gathering, we want to encourage groups to join other churches for their services. If you know a church you are interested in attending, and would like to invite others to, reach out to Ryan via Slack or email.
holy saturday
The Saturday between Good Friday and Easter is an opportunity for us to sit in the uncomfortable in-between of death and resurrection. Join us at Ryan’s house for an all-day teaching on the letter to the Colossians. We’ll begin at 10am and finish around 4pm. Bring your own lunch; coffee and snacks will be provided. Sign up below.
easter sunday
On April 20th at 10am we will gather to celebrate the resurrection and what it means for Christ to be the One in whom all things hold together (Col. 1:15-20).
Dress in your Sunday finest, invite your friends and family, and come early to grab some coffee and find a good seat.
We’re always looking for new ways to communicate well and help the community stay connected. Please fill out your information below and receive a monthly email that will talk about some of the things we’ve been doing as a community and where we’re heading.
At City Beautiful Church, we value the deep immersion in God's story from one week to the next. Our podcast is a great way for you to stay in the conversation when you can't make it to worship on a Sunday morning.
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