“Advent is about learning to live in the space between Christ’s first and second coming.” - Ryan Adams
Weekly Messages
“Advent is about learning to live in the space between Christ’s first and second coming.” - Ryan Adams
“Thinking Christianly involves a deep willingness to turn to God in trust and experience his nearness in the midst of every situation we face in life.“ - Stacie Fletcher
“God leads us into deeper maturity in our thinking as we remain faithful to Him.” - Ryan Adams
“As followers of King Jesus, we think differently about where our confidence lies.” - Ryan Adams
“How do we approach issues of the modern world from a position of faithfulness?“ - Ryan Adams
“One part of the great Christian Paradox is that there is Divinity in the Mundane.” - John David Harris
Thinking christianly leads us into the upside-down Kingdom of Jesus. - Ryan Adams
“Holy joy flows from realizing our position in Christ: who you are in him, what he has done, and remembering it “. - Nicole Ponder
We must learn to think like christians to meet the challenges of our modern world. - Ryan Adams
Morality isn’t simply a list of do’s and don’t’s, but a way to embody our faithfulness to King Jesus. - Ryan Adams
Your calling is found at the intersection of your story, personality, and gifts. - Ryan Adams
An extraordinary life is made off thousands of ordinary Jesus -shaped opportunities. - Ryan Adams
“When we focus the conversation to what God can and cannot do, we miss the conversation of who God can save.” - John David Harris
“God desires to transform you into a new person by changing the way you think” - Stacie Fletcher
When God is at the center of reality, and we pledge allegiance to Jesus as our King, an integrated life of worship and justice becomes our response. - Ryan Adams
“God is inviting us to change the way we think and pledge allegiance to Jesus as our King.” - Ryan Adams
"With Jesus at the very center of it all, God dramatically shifts how we define ourselves and act in our world." - Ryan Adams
"We must learn to posture ourselves to listen when God speaks." - Ryan Adams
"Members of our community share their journey with the Holy Spirit, how they have learned to listen, and what they anticipate is next." Stephanie Caudle, Nicole Ponder, Kevin Walker, Curtis Hoffman
"Our challenge is not simply to feel more; it is to learn emotional intelligence as a way to listen to what God is saying." - Ryan Adams